"An amazing artist, dedicated to sharing her talent." - Cyndi
Jillian is a skilled paramedical tattoo artist with a rich background in traditional art forms. Combining her passion for art with a desire to help others, she expanded from creating traditional masterpieces to specializing in reconstructive tattoos that support healing and enhance the quality of life for individuals who have experienced trauma, cancer or other medical procedures.
With a passion for art, Jillian received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa in 2012. Determined to learn all she could, she spent a couple of semesters abroad in one of the most art-rich places in the world: Florence, Italy. There, at Instituto Lorenzo De Medici, she studied masters like Leonardo Da Vinci, immersing herself in classic works, the human figure, and the Italian language.
After graduating from University of Hawai'i, she received her Masters in Illustration at Cambridge School of Arts in England where her love for drawing from life blossomed even more.
Many figure drawing workshops and art shows later, Jillian found herself intrigued by the restorative power of Paramedical Tattoo. With her diverse and deep experience in art, color theory, and the human form, she dove right in and began training for her Certification.
Today, Jillian works with world-renowned surgeons such as Doctors Eleonore Zetrenne and Mark Kobayashi to give patients confidence once again.